Saturday, November 15, 2008

Response to a question on the forum

There is a truism that says for every step you change you will take two steps backwards. That applies to golf and also to pool. I took lessons 5 years ago (because they were free from my friend an assist pro) and my handicap went down from a 36 to a 26. But, it took me 2 years to get there. I then had 2 major operations in 3 months, and it took me almost 2 years to get back to square one. I began to play a little golf again and was back to a 36, where I still am and I do not care. My friend had a good approach to teaching. Instead of trying to change everything a person was comfortable with, he worked within the framework the person had. Unless it was a young person just starting out.

I agree with you about every player finding their own comfort zone in golf and pool or any other sport that is a one person endeavor. i.e. like the shot put, track, tennis etc cetra. I also believe that if a person wants to improve he/she will look very keenly at the finer nuances of the sport and pick them apart and practice them until they all blend together. And that can take months or even years. The end result will depend on the effort that is expended. There are no magic bullets.

As we get older we become more set in our ways and do not really want to hear constructive advice because we know that it will throw everything we have done for years out of synch. We know there is no magic bullet, but deep down we wish there was a magic fairy that could wave a magic wand and we would not have to work so hard to make changes that we know in our heart of hearts probably wouldn't make a difference anyway.

What I say to you is: keep playing at your pace (both golf and pool), keep hammering each other and enjoy the
friendship, and most of all have fun. Couple of beers wouldn't hurt either.

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